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Policy Documents and Accounts

Policy Documents

There are a number of policy documents that are followed to ensure the correct running of the Parish Council. These documents are reviewed yearly during the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) which is held in May each year.

The latest versions of these documents, for the year 2024-25, are available below under the relevant drop-down.  Previous versions of these documents from prior years are also available below.

Current Policy Documents

The current (2024-25) versions of the Quenington Parish Council policy documents are available in the drop-down folder below.

Previous Policy Documents

Previous versions of the QPC policy documents are available in the drop-down folders below.

End of Year Accounts

There are a number of policy documents that are followed to ensure the correct running of the Parish Council. These documents are reviewed yearly during the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) which is held in May each year.

The latest versions of these documents, for the year 2024-25, are available below under the relevant drop-down.  Previous versions of these documents from prior years are also available below.

Current End of Year Accounts

The current (2024-25) end of year accounts are available in the drop-down folder below.

Previous Accounts

Previous end of year accounts are available in the drop-down folders below.