Policy Documents
There are a number of policy documents that are followed to ensure the correct running of the Parish Council. These documents are reviewed yearly during the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) which is held in May each year.
The latest versions of these documents, for the year 2024-25, are available below under the relevant drop-down. Previous versions of these documents from prior years are also available below.
Current Policy Documents
The current (2024-25) versions of the Quenington Parish Council policy documents are available in the drop-down folder below.
The final approved 2024 documents will be uploaded in due course, but in the main they have not changed significantly from last years documents which are available here
Standing Orders
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.
QPC Financial Standing Orders 2023
QPC Co-option of new Councillors Policy 2023
Publication scheme
The majority of Parish Council information is available to the public. The publication scheme indicates in which format the information will be available. The current scheme will be updated as this website develops.
Risk Assessments
Policy on Donations
Quenington Parish Council uses the following policy when considering requests for grants/donations.
Asset Register
The land and items that Quenington Parish Council own are listed below:
Data Protection Policies
The following documents are under review (July 2023) and will be updated in due course.
Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice
SpeedWatch Policy Document
QPC SpeedWatch - Data Protection Impact Assessment 2022
QPC SpeedWatch - Operating Policy 2023
Biodiversity Policy
Previous Policy Documents
Previous versions of the QPC policy documents are available in the drop-down folders below.
Standing Orders
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.
QPC Financial Standing Orders 2023
QPC Co-option of new Councillors Policy 2023
Publication scheme
The majority of Parish Council information is available to the public. The publication scheme indicates in which format the information will be available. The current scheme will be updated as this website develops.
Risk Assessments
Policy on Donations
Quenington Parish Council uses the following policy when considering requests for grants/donations.
Asset Register
The land and items that Quenington Parish Council own are listed below:
Data Protection Policies
The following documents are under review (July 2023) and will be updated in due course.
Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice
SpeedWatch Policy Document
QPC SpeedWatch - Data Protection Impact Assessment 2022
QPC SpeedWatch - Operating Policy 2023
Biodiversity Policy
Standing Orders
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.
Financial Standing Orders 2022
Publication scheme
The majority of Parish Council information is available to the public. The publication scheme indicates in which format the information will be available. The current scheme will be updated as this website develops.
Data Protection Policies
Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice
Risk Assessment
Policy on Donations
Quenington Parish Council uses the following policy when considering requests for grants/donations.
Asset Register
The land and items that Quenington Parish Council own are listed below:
Standing Orders
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.
Financial Standing Orders 2021
Publication scheme
The majority of Parish Council information is available to the public. The publication scheme indicates in which format the information will be available. The current scheme will be updated as this website develops.
Data Protection Policies
Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice
Risk Assessment
Policy on Donations
Quenington Parish Council uses the following policy when considering requests for grants/donations.
Asset Register
The land and items that Quenington Parish Council own are listed below:
Standing Orders
Standing orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.
Publication scheme
The majority of Parish Council information is available to the public. The publication scheme indicates in which format the information will be available. The current scheme will be updated as this website develops.
Data Protection Policies
Staff/Councillor Privacy Notice
Risk Assessment
Policy on Donations
Quenington Parish Council uses the following policy when considering requests for grants/donations.
Asset Register
The land and items that Quenington Parish Council own are listed below:
Standing Orders
Financial Standing Orders 2019
Publication scheme
Policy on Donations
Asset Register
End of Year Accounts
There are a number of policy documents that are followed to ensure the correct running of the Parish Council. These documents are reviewed yearly during the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) which is held in May each year.
The latest versions of these documents, for the year 2024-25, are available below under the relevant drop-down. Previous versions of these documents from prior years are also available below.
Current End of Year Accounts
The current (2024-25) end of year accounts are available in the drop-down folder below.
The accounts for 2023/2024 have now been audited and are available below.
Previous Accounts
Previous end of year accounts are available in the drop-down folders below.
Please find below the Public Notice and Publication of the Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return
A new External Auditor was appointed for 2017/2018: PFK Littlejohn LLP, 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4HD.
The Annual Return has information on end of year accounts, annual governance statement and internal audit report.
Expenses greater than £100