Quenington Cemetery
Quenington Parish Council is responsible for the running of Quenington Cemetery, which is the parish cemetery located on Fowler's Hill, Quenington, GL7 5DA. This cemetery comprises two parts, the original Old Cemetery, which is accessed from Fowlers Hill and a new extension, New Cemetery, which is located behind the old cemetery and is accessed through the old cemetery.
Cemetery enquiries
If you wish to contact the Parish Council with respect to Quenington Cemetery, please address enquiries to:
The Clerk to Quenington Parish Council (Rita Walsh)
c/o Quenington Village Hall, The Green, Quenington, Cirencester, GL7 5BS
Tel: 01285 750000
Email: queningtonpc@gmail.com
If your enquiry is urgent and the Clerk is unavailable please contact Councillor Mike Sayer - Tel Quenington 750468
Old Cemetery
Please note that the Old Cemetery is now closed to full burials (except reserved plots). All new burials will be performed in the New Cemetery extension (see section below). Ashes will continue to be interred in this part of the cemetery.
Paperwork and guidance for interments in the old cemetery are available in the links below:
New Cemetery
Please note that full burials will be performed in the New Cemetery (unless plots are already reserved in the Old Cemetery). Burials in the New Cemetery are only available to residents of Quenington. Ashes will continue to be interred in the existing Old Cemetery for now.
The New Cemetery paperwork are under review and will be made available as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact the Parish Clerk for information about burials in the New Cemetery.
- Cemetery Rules and Regulations (Extension)
- Burial Fees 2021
- Interment Form (Extension)
- Memorial Application Form (Extension)
- Memorial Safety Policy
Quenington Old Cemetery
Quenington War Graves
The Cheltenham Branch of the Western Front Association has kindly researched the biographies of three of the War Graves in Quenington Cemetery. These biographies are provided below. These three graves are tended by Quenington Parish Council, who place poppy crosses on each grave on Armistice Day.
Driver William George Bartlett