Quenington Parish Councillors
Quenington Parish Council comprises seven councillors when full. Details of the seven councillors are available alphabetically below.
Cllr Simon Bowcock
Cllr John Dooley
Cllr Jude Reynolds
Register of Interest
Cllr Logan Ryan
Cllr Janet Sallis (Finance Officer)
Cllr Mike Sayer
Cllr Mike Scott (Chair)
Note that Quenington Parish Council has a full complement of councillors at this time. Anyone interested in a position on the council (should one come available at a future date) should contact the Clerk on queningtonpc@gmail.com.
(updated October 2024)
Note that a complete list of the Register of Interests for all councillors across the Cotswold District are available on the CDC website
County and District Councillors
County Councillor Dom Morris
Gloucestershire County Councillor page