We hope to use this page to provide parishioners within the CHEQS area of progress with the proposed telecommunications mast due to be erected near Donkeywell Farm.(Application).
Terms of the lease of the land have been agreed and we are now waiting for the mast to be installed.
This should help improve the mobile reception in the whole of the village.
MARCH 2024: Our understanding is that work for installing infrastructure required for the mast will start in April 2024.
DECEMBER 23: We have asked for an update on progress with the mast. We are awaiting a response.
OCTOBER 23: CDC have confirmed that “prior approval is not required for the proposed development” – effectively permission for the mast has been granted by Cotswold District Council.
AUGUST 23: Comments on the new proposal (see CDC site) are now closed. We await a decision from CDC.
JULY 23: The new proposal for a shared (Vodafone & O2) mast is now on the CDC site. Comments are welcome until 9th August.
JUNE 23: A new proposal for a new mast shared between Vodafone & O2 has been shared with QPC & ECT. We have raised some questions relating to this and are now awaiting the final proposal to be submitted to CDC.
MAY 23: ECT reported at the Annual Parish Meeting, that the mast type is being upgraded so will require a new planning application. They hope this will be passed without problem and work should strat on the mast by the end of 2023.
APRIL23: QPC tried to contact the contractors but have found they are no longer trading. We spoke with ECT (as the mast will be located on their land) who have followed up on this.